Diet based on omega 3 fats – it might cure diabetes

omega 3 diet diabetesDiabetes is one of the most diagnosed diseases of the metabolic – hormonal nature, which used to only affect people of old age, but today it is even present in children. The cause of type 1 diabetes is insufficient synthesis of insulin in the pancreas, whereas the type 2 diabetes is caused by excess weight, consuming too much of carbohydrates and sedentary lifestyle.

It leads to development of insulin resistance, which is lack of cellular sensitivity to the activity of insulin. The treatment for diabetes – just like preventing it – consists mostly of changing the eating habits. Based on latest research, the best diet is one with low carbohydrates content, and high fat content. And we’re not just talking about omega 3 fatty acids.

Revolutionary Swedish research, or healing fat

[OMEGA3 RIGHT]There were times when a high-fat diet was blamed for heart diseases, obesity, diabetes, hypertension, cancer. Today it turns out that a diet ingredient that should be less desirable is carbohydrates – whereas fats can successfully make the basis of a meal plan. The surprising results of a research by Swedish scientists disprove the greatest myths of dietetics – fats don’t really have to fatten, there’s also no link between eating fats and higher risk of getting a heart attack or atherosclerosis or hypertension.

What should obviously be avoided is trans fats – because these are very unhealthy. But the remaining types of fats, especially the ones coming from unprocessed food – are beneficial for our health. People at risk of developing diabetes or already suffering from it can successfully be on a high-fat diet that provides omega 3, omega 6 and saturated fatty acids. Significant reduction of consumption of carbohydrates contributes to maintaining the right amount of blood glucose and insulin level, increases the cellular insulin sensitivity, helps minimize the complications of diabetes. How to get the right amounts of healthy fats?

Omega 3 in preventing and treating diabetes

For a high-fat diet to bring desirable results, we should make sure to be getting quality fats. Which means you should choose meat, fish, butter, cold pressed oils. Avoid margarine, fry on lard or refined oils while consuming unrefined oils served cold. Especially pay attention to omega 3 acids – preventing inflammations, supporting the functioning of the heart and brain and strengthening immunity is very desirable. Providing the right proportions between omega 3 acids and other fats will ensure great well-being and prevent many diseases – not only diabetes.

It’s a good idea to choose supplements containing omega 3. The dosage can be 1000 mg to as much as 4000 mg – it all depends on the supply of omega 3 acids in the diet, as well as the amounts of other fats we consume. Capsules containing fish oil should be taken regularly to prevent deficiencies of omega 3 and their complications.

Joanna Łysak Author

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