The influence of omega 3 acids on functioning of brain

omega 3 brainThese days we are exposed to a constant influx of information, the necessity to memorize many things and effects of stress. All of that causes our nervous system to be overloaded all the time. In order to keep up with the constant need to learn, concentrate and withstand stress, it is a good idea to take care of the right supply of unsaturated omega 3 acids.

These compounds are necessary for proper functioning of many systems, including the nervous system. In order to experience their health-promoting properties, it is necessary to take at least 2 g of omega 3 fats a day.

Omega 3 for memory and concentration

[OMEGA3 RIGHT]Unsaturated omega 3 fatty acids are compounds that build cell membranes and nerve sheaths. They impact functioning of the heart, immune and hormonal systems. They alleviate inflammations, which makes them compounds that can provide preventive treatment of many diseases of affluence, including diabetes, thyroiditis, atherosclerosis and its complications.

Omega 3 also have a perfect influence on functioning of the brain. In children they ensure proper development of the nervous system – and already at the fetal development stage, too. Omega 3 acids for children support cognitive functions, learning, help concentrate and keep up with school responsibilities.

Omega 3 in adults support functioning of the brain, help maintain mental abilities for years to come. On top of that, these fats stop the development of neurodegenerative lesions, which lead to the development of the Alzheimer’s or Parkinson’s diseases. By ensuring perfect condition of blood vessels, omega 3 acids stop the development of arteriosclerosis lesions in the brain blood vessels and limit the risk of stroke. On top of that, they enhance everyday functioning, reduce dizziness, tinnitus and memory problems.

How much of omega 3 do we need to take care of the nervous system?

In order to ensure perfect brain health, we need at least 2 g of omega 3 a day. It might effectively protect the brain from aging and all the consequences of harmful lesions. By taking care of the right dosage of omega 3, we can provide ourselves with great memory, prevent the development of dementia and structural changes to the brain. It will allow to keep the entire body young. How to get these 2 g of omega 3 acids? Eat as much saltwater fish as possible – but only the quality type, free from heavy metals. Eat cold-served unrefined linseed or rapeseed oil, flaxseed oil, chia seeds or nuts.

Get supplements containing omega 3 – pills or capsules as well as fish oil provide about 1 g of omega 3 a day. Just check out the quality of the preparation, the DHA and EPA acid content (and not that of fish oil) and the preparation purity level (clean label is recommended).

Joanna Łysak Author

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